7 Day Declutter Challenge: Day 6 Declutter Your Kitchen

7 Day Declutter Challenge: Day 6 Declutter Your Kitchen

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Today is a big day. We’re tackling the heart of the home – the kitchen. 

Good things happen in this space; cooking, eating, gathering, and sharing. A kitchen needs to be functional yet comfortable. Maybe the kitchen table is where your kids do their homework or where you pay bills. And when you entertain, it’s the place where everyone seems to congregate, despite your best efforts to move them to other parts of your home. Because this is a multipurpose area, kitchens can get overcrowded and disorganized quickly. And after a time, they can become a chaotic mess.

That old saying “a place for everything and everything in its place” is the approach you should take when it comes to decluttering the kitchen. Often kitchen gadgets, utensils, appliances, and other paraphernalia that have no home take up precious space on kitchen surfaces. Find a home for everything, and half of your battle is over.

7 Day Declutter Challenge: Day 6 Declutter Your Kitchen

Create Your Dream Kitchen Space

We can’t all have Martha Stewart’s kitchen, but we don’t need to. Most of us just want a presentable, warm, and functional space where we can find what we need, cook a great meal, and serve friends and family with ease. 

I remember when I started creating recipes for the site and I wanted to share pictures how ashamed of my messy kitchen I was. So I decided to take action and make my kitchen space the dream space I’ve always wanted.

Kitchens can reflect our personalities, so why not show your best self and create a space that not only works but one that you will love. Decluttering this space and adding small touches is a step in the right direction.

Organized kitchen drawers with text 7 Day Declutter Challenge: Day 6 Declutter Your Kitchen
Plan it.

Tools You Will Need to Declutter Your Kitchen

When it comes to the kitchen, less is more. A simplified look is best. So if there is a lot of stuff, on your countertops, your kitchen will always look crowded. The workspace in the kitchen is prime real estate, so you’ll want to leave as much of your working areas as free of clutter as possible.

So what do we need to declutter the kitchen? You’ll recognize some of the items from previous days, but there are also some new suggestions.

  • Keep, Toss, Store bins – remember, items in your toss bin can be donated, recycled, sold at a garage sale, or discarded.
  • Drawer utensil organizer – use these to organize your everyday cutlery and larger utensils as well.
  • Countertop utensil holder – provides easy access for cooking utensils you use regularly.
  • Spice organizer  – choose from revolving, mounted, slide-out, tiered, and more. Pick a spick rack that will work best for your space and can accommodate the number of spices you have.
  • Baskets – use these to place similar items together in your cabinets.
  • Cabinet organizers – these handy items maximize your cabinet space. Consider options like mounted, sliding, stacking, and tiered versions.
  • Cleaning products – disinfectant wipes (or soap, water, and microfibre cloth), mop.

Kitchen drawers organized 7 Day Declutter Challenge: Day 6 Declutter Your Kitchen

Tips to Declutter Your Kitchen

Work towards keeping flat surfaces clear, drawers organized, and minimizing the number of items you have on the countertops. 

Evaluate what you really need and what you haven’t used within the year, and can, therefore, live without. We also tend to hang on to duplicate kitchen utensils and small appliances. But do you really need more than one garlic press or spiralizer? If you find you have more than your share of items, it’s time to get rid of the extras.

When we purchase convenience items like mixers, air fryers, and Instant-pots, we have the best intentions to use them, but we don’t often follow through. Be honest with yourself and decide if you really need these items in your kitchen or even in your home.  

For other items that do serve a purpose, but you only take out on special occasions, consider relocating them to storage or a designated cabinet in the kitchen or elsewhere.

Kitchen drawers organized 7 Day Declutter Challenge: Day 6 Declutter Your Kitchen

Kitchen Cleaning and Decluttering Steps

  1. Assess the room and ask yourself what doesn’t belong there. This step will make a world of difference in clearing surface areas in the kitchen. Place these items in your store bin and distribute them to their rightful locations.
  2. Limit the number of items on your counter to things you need or use every day, i.e., coffee maker, utensil holder, toaster, etc. Think of your daily routine and which items contribute to making that routine more efficient. Remove everything else.
  3. Divide remaining tasks into sections and tackle small areas at a time.
  4. Go through your drawers and take items out. For each item, decide if you want to keep it, store, it, or toss it.
  5. Clean drawers with disinfectant wipes or soap and water.
  6. Make use of drawer organizers and replace utensils in the drawers.
  7. Go through your cabinets and remove items. Use the three bins to sort them.
  8. Make use of cabinet organizers to create extra storage. Replace items.
  9. Wipe counters, sweep (or vacuum), and mop floors.

Handy tip: If the kitchen serves as a makeshift office for you or your kids, consider allocating spaces for tasks like paying bills or doing homework. Keep pens, paper, and other items you need close by. Use organizers, drawers, or cabinets to keep them stored and out of the way.

Up next, our last day: Day 7 – Home Office

Organized kitchen countertop with words 7 Day Declutter Challenge: Day 6 Declutter Your Kitchen

7-Day Declutter Challenge

Missed a day? Want to Jump ahead? Here is the entire 7-Day Declutter Challenge, feel free to tackle each space in your home in whatever order you like.

1 – Preparation and Declutter Your Home Checklist
2 – Decluttering and Organizing Closets
3 – Decluttering Bedrooms
4 – Cleaning and Organizing Bathrooms
5 – Organizing the Living Spaces in Your Home
6 – Creating a Dream Organized Kitchen
7 – Decluttering and Organizing Your Home Office

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