30 Days. 30 Affirmations. Take the Free 30-Day Affirmation Challenge

30 Days. 30 Affirmations. Take the Free 30-Day Affirmation Challenge

One of the most important things I’ve learned as I moved to make big changes in my life is how important a positive success mindset is. It always seemed crazy to me: “how am I supposed to be positive about something that is making me miserable?” I decided to focus my thoughts on positive thinking every day and created a 30-day affirmation challenge that sent me a positive affirmation to read daily.

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Repeatedly I was told:

  • Your thoughts become a reality.
  • What your mind thinks it believes.
  • Words and thoughts have power.

It sounded a little “woo-hoo” for me at first. However, now that I’m focused on life changes like a massive weight loss and health shift, building a self-employed business and living a more balanced and happy life, I realize that to accomplish these things, I needed a massive shift in how I was thinking.

Coffee cup with napkin and inspirational message over yellow background

What is a Daily Affirmation?

Affirmations are positive statements or thought that could ease you away from self-sabotaging negative thoughts. When you repeat these statements and start to shift your mind to believe them, you can better make positive changes in your life.

Benefits of an Affirmation Challenge

I have started following many successful people and business coaches, and they all say that “Having a positive mindset is the key to achieving things!” Affirmations are a great and helpful tool to shift your thoughts toward empowering and positive thoughts.

You may not believe them entirely at first, but the process of reading and thinking a positive thought meant to inspire you to believe in your own power is an easy way to start a major life change.

The benefits of an Affirmation include:

  • Change negative thoughts to positive, more inspiring ones.
  • Motivate you to feel positive about yourself and boost your self-confidence.
  • Access your subconscious mind to shift thinking to new positive beliefs.
  • Inspire you to take action on goals and life changes.
  • Shift to a success mindset focused on achieving your goals.

Affirmations for Self Love – Shift Your Negative Thinking

Think of your thoughts like a snowball rolling down a hill. If you have one negative thought, then another, and another, the snowball grows as it gathers more of this negativity. Adding affirmations to your life helps you focus on positive thoughts and grow positive aspects of your life to push out negativity.

Follow your dreams take the 30-day affirmation challenge
Plan it.

Getting Ready for the 30 Day Affirmation Challenge?

This challenge is not about making you do tasks, set goals or do anything difficult. The purpose of this challenge is to shift your mindset and get you to focus on a positive thought. When things go wonky during the day, repeat your affirmation.

All you have to do is open 1 email and read the inspirational message. Repeat it to yourself and reflect on what it says.

Sign up for the 30-Day Affirmation Challenge?

We will send you 1 email with 1 positive thought every morning. Please take a second out of your morning to open it up and read through the message. Try to read these positive messages with a belief they are true.

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