How to Create Your Dream Life

How to Create Your Dream Life + Mind Map Download

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It may seem impossible right now, but you can live your dream life. My “dream it, plan it and live it” philosophy didn’t happen overnight, but now it fuels my drive to accomplish new things every day. So how to create your dream life? Here are some of my experiences.

What is your dream

What is Your Dream Life?

Have you outlined what your dream life is? Sure we all want to win the lottery and be rich, but even lottery winners have not been able to turn their winnings into a dream life.

Knowing what it is that you want to achieve is the first step to designing your dream life. What does that life look like for you? Will you be running a business? Will you be in a healthy body? Where will you live? Do all the things you want in your life fit together?

Do you know what it is you are chasing?

I used to dream about living in a Caribbean villa while running my business and travelling all in a perfect skinny body. When I started to start planning my dream life, I realized the more expenses I had, the harder it was going to be to build a freelance business that allowed me to travel. I didn’t want to create a large scale agency style business, so I had to adjust my living arrangements. Frankly, too much travel also made my healthy body dreams more challenging.

Mind Map example how to create your dream life

Creating a Mind Map

Get a blank piece of paper and set a timer for 5 minutes. Add some squares with specific labels like finances, business & career, health. Imagine that everything you write next to these areas in your life you can achieve.

Download Now: Mind Map Template

If there were no limitations and you could be anything, do anything or have anything you dream about what would those things be?

Start writing down what comes to mind by mapping out what it is you want in these areas:

  • Health & Fitness
  • Business & Career
  • Relationships
  • Finance
Plan it.

Set Goals and Create an Action Plan for Your Dream Life

I love using a planning journal like the Passion Planner or Clever Fox Planner to keep track of the various aspects of my dreams. These agenda books help you to create your mind map and then set goals in each area.

Read More: Best Goal Setting Planners to Help You Achieve Your Dreams

For health and fitness, you can start to track new habits to move you towards your health goals. In the Clever Fox Planner, you can outline your actions for each week and measure how you did.

Set a realistic goal like lose 10 lbs and then create your action plan, which may include exercise 3 x a week, journaling your food and drinking more water.

Shop: Check out these productivity planners or productivity tear pads.

How to Create Your Dream Life

Find an Accountability Network

You may need new skills to see your dream through. If you thought about starting a blog or a business having a group of like-minded entrepreneurs can inspire you to take action, give you a sounding board to throw out ideas and provide learning and advice.

It is much easier to follow a dream when you have others around you that are inspiring you and supporting you every step of the way.

Join Dream Living 360 Facebook Group with Computer and desktop in background

Join our Dream Living 360 Facebook Group today and tell us what dreams you’re working to achieve.

Face the Fear and Believe in Yourself

The biggest roadblock to living the life of your dreams is often the fear of even starting them. Self-doubt can squash an idea before it starts. So know this: You are worthy of living the life you dream.

Read more: 10 Books That Inspire You to Live the Life of Your Dreams

Be Prepared to Do the Work.

It probably won’t come easy. Most successful people, when interviewed, will tell you they had to overcome some difficult odds with hard work and determination.

Fuel your determination with belief, and there is no stopping you from creating the life of your dreams.

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