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My internal thoughts were one of the biggest obstacles to my transition from corporate life into self-employment. I had a lot of anxiety and fear about how I was going to make this dream work. I decided to make changes to push me to think like a successful person despite the constant fear of failure. Here are three simple strategies and tips on changing your mindset for success.
Dream it.
I found myself relearning these success strategies during the recent lockdown. First, I was so anxious and scared about my business and old car that I was telling myself it would all fail. Then, finally, I manifested the exact date my car died. I didn’t mean to; I just was worried about driving out to my brother for his birthday with my old car, and that morning, the car died.
I realized I needed to shift my energy and change things. I had to stop thinking in my head that I couldn’t succeed during these difficult days and focus on success. I committed to bringing in new clients, earning more, and reminding myself that I had everything I needed to do these things.
I found three simple strategies for changing to a successful mindset:
- Talk like you believe it.
- Use affirmations and incantations that inspire you to succeed.
- Create a vision board and surround yourself with inspirational décor.
Plan it.
Why You Need a Success Mindset
Athletes use success mindset strategies all the time. Often, they run through visualization exercises to see themselves in the winner’s circle. Focusing on the successful outcome allows you to feel and visualize the end goal and the steps needed to achieve it. Individuals with a success mindset can figure out how to make things happen.
Read more: 10 Books to Inspire You to Live Your Dream Life.
Skills are good to have, but your best start to achieving success in your life is your perspective. A positive mindset will increase your chances of developing a winning strategy to achieve your success. The steps and processes will be formulated once you have established how you look at things.

Live it.
How to Change Your Mindset for Success
1. Talk Like You Believe It
Like me, talking confidently about things you are striving for is where most people fail—an excellent reason to put it at the top of my list. I have caught myself many times, primarily through the pandemic lockdown, using negative and fear-driven language. The key to this strategy is to talk like you are about to have or already have it.
You may have heard while working for a corporation that you should dress for the position you want rather than the current position. This strategy is the same: speak as if you already have it, as if you know it is coming, and be confident in your statements.
For example, if you want to improve your financial situation, you might say something like, “I can’t afford this.” Adding a spirit of believing and confidence to the statement and speaking like you will have what you need shortly changes the energy.
- “I will be purchasing this soon.”
- “The income I need to purchase this is coming.”
It sounds somewhat silly when you first start, but the shift of speaking positively actually does produce better results than speaking negatively.
2. Affirmations and Incantations
You may already use affirmations in your day-to-day practice. In keeping with the talk like you believe it. Many experts and success coaches talk about the “I AM” power and everything that comes after those words.
They must be if you are saying negative things after I AM. Tony Robbins, for example, doesn’t believe in affirmations. He doesn’t like statements like “I am beautiful” when you don’t think it or mean it. In his opinion, speaking without belief is less effective than saying those words with intention and confidence.
Talk like the person you want to be vs. who you are now!
Be careful the words that you put behind the words I AM. They are mighty. So be clear about what “I AM” and “I AM NOT” are, and make sure these words are positive.

If you need help coming up with affirmations, take our 30-Day Affirmation challenge. We will send you an email with a positive commitment every day for 30 days. Sign up for our 30 Days 30 Affirmations Free Email challenge here.

3. Vision Boards and Inspirational Décor
Vision Boards that Build a Success Mindset
I had mixed feelings about vision boards in the past, but I read Sara Centrella’s book Future Boards during the pandemic. Sara is a successful coach and believes in the power of positive thinking and vision boarding to manifest dreams.
I revamped my vision boards according to her strategies and ran through many exercises in the book. Within weeks of starting, I noticed some progress as I onboarded a new client. Since building my boards, I have brought on more clients and taken a screenplay course to pursue that dream, to name a few things.

Inspirational Décor for Changing Your Mindset for Success
Surround yourself with slight notes of positive messages. It can be as simple as taking a sticky note and placing it somewhere you will see it. I love little inspirational signs. I find them in cute general stores I visit during my travels.
You can make your inspirational décor, and the act of creating it with passion, like a vision board, will mean more to you. Think about picture frames with images or quotes, inspirational wood boards, or even stacks of books that have inspired you.