Fabulous Indoor Garden Ideas For Small Spaces

Fabulous Indoor Garden Ideas For Small Spaces

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Even if you live in the smallest apartment, there are many ways to add some greenery to your space. We share some fabulous indoor garden ideas for small spaces.

I did not always have a green thumb, and most plants that gifted to me did not make it. But I learned a few tricks about indoor gardening and continue to grow my plants as I discover more.

From easy to set up indoor garden kits to stackable planters, there is something here for every level of gardener. Let’s give your small space indoor garden a boost. 

Plants inside apartment  Fabulous Indoor Garden Ideas For Small Spaces and Condos
Plan it.

Fabulous Indoor Garden Ideas

There are several ways you can increase plants in your small space. Start by evaluating your window availability and then think of ways you can add plants that need more sun near the windows.

Types of Indoor Gardens for Small Spaces

  • Pots and Plant Trays
  • Stacked Planters
  • Wall planters
  • Hydroponic Garden Systems

Indoor Gardening Supplies

Note For Hydroponic garden kits, you will not need anything other than the smart garden kits.

The following is a list of indoor gardening supplies you will need to start a potted indoor garden.

  • Plant Trays, planters and Pots
  • Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food
  • Potting Mix
  • Garden Hand Tools
  • Seeds

Build Your Indoor Garden Vertically

Use backless or open shelving units to stack smaller potted plants near the window. Large potted floor plants of various heights can also add dramatic effect and sit layered below a window sill.

Use window ledges with smaller pots to add some more colour to your indoor garden.

Marble Queen Pothos great for indoor gardening

Best Plants for Indoor Gardens

My favourite indoor garden plant started at the office when someone came in to water a plant on a filing cabinet that, for years, I thought was fake. The Marble Queen Pothos became an office bet when one of my coworkers cut off a piece of the vine and wrapped it in a wet paper towel.

I came home to my dark apartment and put in water for a few days, then stuck it into a pot with soil (from another plant I had killed). I did not think I had a green thumb or that I could grow an indoor plant. But this plant many years later is thriving in my condo.

Marble Queen Pathos is a vine and exceptionally resilient. They don’t need much light, and you only need water when soil is dry.

  • Marble Queen Pothos
  • African Violets
  • Orchids
  • Cactus Plants
  • Spider Plant
  • Aloe Plant
  • Umbrella Plant
  • English Ivy

Edible Vegetables that can be grown indoor include:

  • Herbs
  • Kale
  • Lettuce Greens
  • Tomatoes
  • Ginger
click and grow garden next to orchids in front of apartment window

Indoor Garden Kits and Smart Garden Systems

The easiest way to get your indoor garden going is to use a smart garden system. These hydroponic gardens enable small pods of soil and seed to grow in water. They have bright LED lamps that often run on a 16-hour cycle to give your plants lots of lights.

The Benefits of Indoor Garden Systems

For small apartments with little window space or accessibility to natural light, these gardens can sit just about anywhere with access to an electric outlet.

  • Grow in urban areas.
  • Plants can bloom 365 days of the year.
  • They are not affected by the weather.
  • Indoor Gardens take up little space.
  • Easy to use.
  • No window light needed.
  • Little gardening knowledge needed.

Click and Grow Smart Gardens

I love the sleek design of the Click and Grow Smart Garden. I have a Smart Garden 3 and enjoy the ease of setting it up and letting it do the rest.

The smart gardens automate the watering, light and nutrients needed for the plants to grow. So it is as simple as adding water, placing the pods in their slots and waiting for them to grow.

There are over 45 varieties of fruits, herbs, and leafy vegetables available. The various kits include plant pods, but you can purchase and create a customized indoor garden of your choosing.

Click and Grow Smart Garden 9

With nine slots for plant pods, the click and grow smart garden 9 includes three pods of green lettuce, tomato and basil. This garden is longer than the three pod version so requires a bit more counter space.

Click and Grow Smart Garden 3

The three pods click and grow garden includes three basil pods. It is excellent for smaller spaces or kitchen countertops with limited room.


AeroGarden was the first company to enter the hydroponic home gardening market. They have several indoor garden units in many colours, shapes and sizes. AeroGarden sizes range from 3, 6, 9 or 24 pods. Some units also offer digital touchscreens and water filling reminders.

homemade indoor plants on window sill

Other Indoor Garden Kits

Here are many other great indoor plant and garden kits you can get to start your indoor garden.

Plants inside apartment and text: Fabulous Indoor Garden Ideas For Small Spaces and Condos
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